As I saw the video "Muslim Demographics" last week it reminds me once again about the incredible shift we are having in global evangelization. While the European and North American Continents are distancing more and more from Christianity, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and even Australia and New Zealand are in the beginning or in a middle of a revival. I think that what we are seen in Euroamerica is the result of a church that got comfortable, speaking and remembering past glories since the late 1970's. Well, that church is no longer what once upon a time was.
The message I got from this Youtube presentation is not one of fear to middle eastern terrorists that wants to conquer the world by the sword and rather I see a challenge to the Christian church to rise up to the occasion and begin a campaign of evangelization toward the Muslim community. See, the result of growing numbers of the Muslim population in Europe and North America is not just an immigration issue. I believe this is the result of a weak Christian church that moves only in the tradition realm, leaving behind the experiential faith in Jesus Christ. Consequently, we have over 300 Methodist churches closed and over 100 Anglican congregations in England according to the Christian Research Group. This organization affirm the real possibility of the disappearance of all Christian churches in the United Kingdom by the year 2040. Furthermore, in America between 3,500 and 4,000 churches are closing every year. Half of the churches in this nation did not added a single member last year and to the contrary, American Christian churches are loosing an average of 2,765,000 individuals to secularism and other religions.
With only 9% of the American population with a biblical world view, no wonder we cannot match with this growing avalanche of Muslim immigrants with a deep rooted faith in Islam. As the Landscape Survey by the Pew Forum On Religion and Public Life shows, for the first time in its History, the United States of America is at the verge of becoming a minority Protestant nation. It is at this historical cross roads the church of Jesus Christ in North America and Europe have the challenge to stand up for the cause of the gospel. Stand up in prayer and spiritual warfare. Stand up with a evangelistic zeal to reach out anyone that needs Christ regardless of their ethnicity or past. Stand up for the defense of the Christian orthodoxia against the false teachings from within the church. It is my prayer, that we can stand together for the cause of the gospel in the same way the Apostles and the Fathers of the church did 2000 years ago.
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